Administrative Users:
User Management
Xpress capital is an online invoice generation portal where one administrator user is who can manage everything.
Invoice Status
There are three different types of invoices types like overude,open,closed using different clients. All related data will be shown like date issued, client name, Amount etc. From here invoice details section can be seen.In invoice details there are different types of sections are available like
a)Private Note: Here private note can be added .
b)Enter Payment: Here , paid amount, pay method etc can be added.
c)Email invoice: Invoice can be mail to different user as pdf.
d)Generate Pdf: Pdf can be generated of the specified invoice. After all specified invoice can be deleted & updated.
Create Client
Here different clients can be create, edit & delete. every client can be edited as a taxable & non taxable. With every clients different contacts can be added & deleted.
Photo Approval
This is the report management section where reports can be obtained using different quarter section like first, second etc with paid details .
Account Settings
This is the powerful account settings area where invoice owner company details like company name, Address, city, province, state, web site etc can be managed with password change options. Invoice settings This is the invoice settings area where invoice defaults settings can be managed.
Advance Setting
This is the advance setting area where default logo can be added with display online Branding, save invoices etc can be managed.
This is the utilities section of the invoice systems like
1) Php info: This is the php info area where all the php configuration can be seen.
2) Download backup: This is the section of the back up of the database as a sql file.
3) Export as xml & excel: Here invoices can be exported as xml & excel format.
This is the help section of the invoice management. |