- E-commerce website to be programmed in ASP or ASP.net.
- Website will be on 2 languages, English and Chinese Simplified (GB2312). All input fields will have 2 languages.
- Most of the current products are stored on their current MS Server. Administrator will import in the products to the e-commerce website’s database.
- Website is to be done with CSS or using includes/header.asp eg so that webmaster can change the font type, header banner, footer, design of the left panel etc on a single page without having to make changes on all asp files.
- Payment Gateway will be Paypal. |
Admin section
1. Admin login, logout, change password
2. Manage categories
a. Title (Text Field)
3. Manage sub-categories (one level)
a. Title (Text Field)
4. Manage products
a. Add Product (All fields stated below except for price and image will be an optional field. Should it be left out by the admin, the fields should not be displayed on the front end including field’s name eg.(Function etc))
i. Select Main Category (Dropdown Menu)
ii. Select Sub-Category (Dropdown Menu)
iii. Title (Text Field)
iv. Description(Text Area)
v. Indications(Text Area)
vi. Functions(Text Area)
vii. Dosage(Text Area)
viii. Packaging(Text Field)
ix. Price(Text Field)
x. On Promotion (Dropdown menu, Yes/No. This function will allow admin to choose which items to be displayed on the promotional page)
xi. Date of Input (Automatically generated, will be the current date)(Non-editable)
xii. Upload Image
b. Edit Product
i. Edit Main Category (Dropdown Menu)
ii. Edit Sub-Category (Dropdown Menu)
iii. Title (Text Field)
iv. Description(Text Area)
v. Indications(Text Area)
vi. Functions(Text Area)
vii. Dosage(Text Area)
viii. Packaging(Text Field)
ix. Price(Text Field)
x. Upload Image
c. Delete Product
d. Sort / Find Products by
i. Name
ii. Categories
iii. Sub-categories
5. Manage clinics
a. Add Clinics
i. Title (Text Field)
b. Edit Clinics
i. Title (Text Field)
c. Delete Clinics
6. Manage doctors (Sample website http://www.yishengtcm.com/DrCao.htm )
a. Add Doctor
i. Name (Text Field)
ii. Description (Text Area)
iii. Credentials (Text Area)
iv. Specialization (Text Area)
b. Edit Doctor
i. Name (Text Field)
ii. Description (Text Area)
iii. Credentials (Text Area)
iv. Specialization (Text Area)
c. Delete Doctor
7. Manage timetable ( Sample website http://www.makuang.com.sg/event/20070827.mht, Date is not applicable)
a. Add Doctor Schedule (Note: Each doctor can have multiple schedules, each clinic can have more than 1 doctors are the same day and time. Eg. Doctor A can be at Clinic A from 10am to 12pm and at Clinic B from 3pm to 5pm on a single day and Doctor A can be at Clinic C on Wednesday 12pm-2pm etc.)
i. Select Doctor (Dropdown Menu)
ii. Select Clinic (Dropdown Menu)
iii. Select Day (Dropdown Menu, From Monday to Sunday)
iv. Time (Text Field, eg. 1pm to 3pm)
b. Edit Doctor Schedule (Need advise on how to edit the schedule so that its user-friendly for administrator)
c. Delete Doctor Schedule
8. Manage new products display configuration
a. Items to be displayed on the New product section will be set via date of posting.
b. Administration should be able to set the duration of date products against the date of posting. (eg. 30days. After 30day upon the date of posting for the items, system will automatically remove the items from the new product section.)
9. Manage promotional banner
a. Upload / Replace Promotion banner on Main page
10. Manage News & Events
a. Title (Text Field)
b. Short Description (Text Area)
c. Details (Text Area)
d. Title and Short description will be displayed on the “news & events” column on the main page.
e. Upon clicking on the article on the main page, it will bring users to the full event’s article.
f. All events and news will be displayed on the news and events page
11. Manage Members
a. Approval from admin is needed
b. Admin able to export members’ list to excel spreadsheet
c. Upon approval from admin, an email will be sent to the member’s email for notification.
d. Sort / Find Member by
i. Name
12. Manage Order
a. View Order
b. Sort / Find Order by
i. Order Number
ii. Name of Customer
iii. Date of transaction
13. Manage Shipping Fee (Need assistance or suggestion on this)
a. Separated by Local and Overseas Delivery
b. Local Delivery applies only to Singapore. It will be a fixed price regardless of the weight.
14. Mange GST
a. Set GST (in percentage)
b. This is a govt tax. Calculate by the percentage set by the admin.
c. Eg. GST set at 7%. Total amount is $2000. GST will be charged $140. The Grand total the customer will have to pay including GST will be $2140.
Front end
1. User registration
• Name
• Contact Number (Country Code, Area Code, Number)
• Email
• Country
• State
• Address
• Postal / Zip Code
2. User Login
• ID will be member’s email
• Password will be auto-generated and sent to the member’s upon approval from administrator
• Change Password
• Forget Password (New password will be sent to member’s registered email)
• Edit Profile
3. Dynamic display of categories
4. Dynamic display of sub-categories
5. Dynamic display of products with pagination, product details page
6. Display of products on Promotional page if selected.
7. Dynamic display of doctors list page with brief details, display of details
8. Display of complete timetable on list page, display of doctor specific timetable on details page
9. Display of new products
10. Display of promotional banner
11. Display of News & Events with scroll |