
Horizontal Link Tab
About Us
This page shows: -
Total Information about the Site. The purpose Of this Site. Contact Information (Address, Phone, Mobile, Email) of the site & Success Story.
This Page Shows:
All those Jobs which are available. This is listed by job or career information Category. You can Search Job from here with skill Keyword, Location and Experience. You can Find In this Page jobs are Listed In different Pattern. Like Job Category, Company name, Location, industry type etc.
Placement Paper
This Page Shows:-
All Type Of Placement Question Paper. Like Aptitude, Reasoning, Mathematics, Skill Set, Puzzle Are available here. As well as GD,HR,Technical Questions are also accessible With The Link Of Interview Questions Page.
This Page Shows
Career Information, like How To Build a Career. Some Useful Tips, Information to Consciousness of Technology or Fields are also available.
Interview Questions
This Page Shows:-
All Type Of Interview Questions by Listing Job Category wise
This Page contains the link to terms & condition, and payment process page
And This Page also include:
Recruiters Login:
(i) Register Recruiters Login
(ii)New Recruiters Sign Up
Register Recruiters Login:
(i)input Recruiters name and password to access and
advertisement of job
(ii)New client Sign Up:
this is a link to recruiters registration page.
recruiters registration page:-this is a page which contains a registration form.
User name, password, retype password, company name, address, contact information, company category, etc.
Page Link
Build Resume:
This Page Contains the tips to Built a resume. Resume type. resume format. Latest Resume type etc. Top employers resume.
Mnc List:
List Of the Multinational Companies. Every Name is a link to that page here we can see all the information of the company. contact information are also included here
Small Company List:
List Of the Small Companies. Every Name is a link to that page here we can see all the information of that company. contact information are also included here
Educational Tips:
All Type Of tips to Choose subject/course by which job will be easily available.
Special Link Tab On the Page:
IT jobs:
This link opens the page where all The information of It Jobs are available
Govt jobs:
This link opens the page where all The information of Govt Jobs are available .
Argent requirement:
This link opens the page where all The information of argent job recruitment Process
This Is Like a forum where We can Give answer or ask an question
User Login
This Part Contains User Name And Password. After submission of the User name & password A page ill open here You can submit/modify your resume. Apply job online. And Receive Job related all information etc.
Paid user Sign Up
This Is the part where a page will open with user registration form. after filling the form they has been registered as valid/authenticate user. In case of paid user a form must be fill up for monetary transaction. This Page contains also the link to the Terms and condition page.
Free User Sign Up
This is the part where a page will open with user registration form. after filling the form they has been registered as valid/authenticate user. This Page contains also the link to the Terms and condition page. The User Sign Up page Is As follows.
Admin Panel
Administration Panel
. Manage employer's/Recruiter's accounts. View / Edit / Delete Employer's/recruiter's profiles.
. Manage candidate's/Job Seeker's accounts. View / Edit / Delete Candidate's resumes.
. Manage Job Posts. Approve / Delete /Edit/ Disapprove.
. Set up subscription plans, and posting packages for buying posting credits.
. View Reports, including who is online, Subscriptions, posting credits sold.
. Create / Send newsletters.
. Configure main variables (Main Configuration). These include:
Website name, logos and paths
PayPal IPN
Email settings
Edit the header and footer HTML
Disable / Enable the map
many other configurable features...
. Edit Categories
. Edit Codes (for Radio buttons, checkbox fields)
. Manage Languages
. Customize Email templates
. Customize fields in the posting form, resume form, profile form, or the signup form
. Customize search forms
. Customize lists
. Be validated with a custom error message
. Be included on a search form
. Be hidden form the Employer (Resume Form)
. Be hidden from all except the Administrator
The Advertiser's section allows employers or recruiters to post jobs and also browse resumes.
. Navigation is done using a Windows style drop-down menu
. Ability to change account settings, such as password, profile and language
. Ability to posts standard job advertisements. (These can be set to free or paid from the Administration panel)
. Post Premium job advertisements. (These are premium paid advertisements, displayed on the front page in highlighted colors. Can be enabled or disabled)
. View resumes (For free, or subscription based if enabled)
. Edit Employer's profile
. Help
Here are some possible causes of why the alerts may not be sent for some users:
1. The resumes / jobs were added BEFORE the accounts were registered, so therefore the users will not get any alerts for stuff that happened before.
2. The users did not log in to their account for more than x days (default x=30). This value can be set in the Main Config.
3. The users opted out form the resume / job alert. For example, when the signed up, they selected the Notification option to "No".
4. The user suspended the resume (they will not receive job alerts, because if a user suspended their resume we assume that they found a job or no longer need the website)
5. The user's account is suspended.
Overview Of The Features
. Designed to eliminate custom programming as much as possible
Build database forms via a web interface. You can add text fields, check-boxes, select lists, multiple selects, text editor, HTML editor, date fields, category fields and many more types of fields!
Build search forms via a web interface, no programming needed!
Change any word / sentence / paragraph of the site through a web based interface never touch any code!
Customize all emails to your preference, just the way you like it.
Customize the Cascading Style Sheet, headers and footers. (HTML knowledge is needed to customize the header & footer)
Customize many other things, including prices, currencies, time zone, languages and more.
. Designed for ease of use and quick, clean & no-fuss access to jobs because jobs is all they want! Browse jobs by date, by category or using the search. The simplicity of the job board can be compared to sites such as Craigslist.org or kijiji, with a blog style feel. Every design decision has a reason.
. Allow job seekers to submit their resume and apply to jobs online.
. Employers post job advertisements, browse resumes, manage previous postings.
. Powerful Administration Panel .
. Earn revenue. Bill for posts / subscriptions, or set it free & earn advertising revenue from Google AdSense and others!
. Job Site is a web application for running and managing job search,job posts,job News etc. It will be written in PHP with My SQL database. It is a complete programe for those that want to run a professional Job website, with all the features that you would expect. |