Since the time of the USSR India has been known for its high educational level and scientific potential of local specialists.
Over the last decade rapid IT industry evolution in this region has generated a new offshore software development &
web development zone. Information technology enterprises are strongly supported by the Goverment.
NASCOM admits that "... IT sector is one of the fastest growing industries in India".
Indian Association of IT Developers also stresses that "... India possesses a significant potential for information technologies
export, especially in the field of software development and ICT offshore outsourcing". |

Outsourcing to India has the following advantages:
Technical Excellence and Profound Education
More than forty years of scientific research and traditions in high-tech sphere created a strong basis for excessive ICT human capital and a well-established system of education and training in this field. India was the high-tech zone of the Asia, where technology was used to design products for both civil and military application. Local software engineers are greatly appreciated in the world, demonstrating qualification and experience levels incomparably higher than in competitor countries.
Competitive Rates
One of the main advantages of outsourcing to Asia and especially to India is reasonable project costs. Top Indian web development houses, such as Vehement, have continuously offered rates more competitive than those of Russia or let alone EU or the USA.
Favorable Time Difference
Time difference with Europe is 5-6 hours, with the USA it is 11-12 hours. Although the difference with the USA might seem large, it is compensated by serious players with ease: for example, at Vehement our working schedules are adjusted to our clients' time zones to have maximum overlapping hours. This makes overnight turnaround possible.
Governmental Support
The Indian government supports the companies operating in IT sphere. Program of Software Development created preferential economic conditions, including preferential taxation, for offshore software development, applications production and export. |